
. . . 1st order of the new brethren of The Infantry, we must put aside worries that our efforts to brandish our unique variety of thievery is merely l'esprit de l'escalier . . .
Rest assured, my dear friends, that our efforts are so overwhelmingly characterised by the notoriety of naughtiness and association with so-called pastimes of eternal damnation and fiery perdition, that our mission shall indubitably cause a plethora of welcome results, videlicet anger, screaming, general unrest, unsightly tears, perspiration, and slew of bitten fists. One of our first circle comrades anticipates vomiting, but we shan't depend on such a congenial result to avoid the potential for impoverishing disappointment among the ranks should we fall short of such a high aspiration.
And now, it is time to familiarize yourself with your new brothers in theft . . .
My name, dear saints, is Aidan Jareth. Ringleader of the Infantry.

The collective. As the inner circle is described, is made up of cinq individus.
Look in the first directive of the recruitment campaign below and you will witness the glory that is the collective of the Infantry. These are your leaders. Your commanders. Your best friends, lovers, and parents. Not literally. It is just that you shall forego all such material attachments from this day forth . . .
From left to right in the picture.
In the back row we have three fine gentleman and upstanding citizens of theft . . .
Etienne Rameau, Gautier D'Alsace, and Frayne Riesling.

Myself, Aidan Jareth, and my right hand man, though in the picture he is positioned at ma gauche, Thibault Ives.
. . . So welcome all, please take the time to introduce yourselves to us. We appreciate candour and wit, and tales of disruption and recalcitrance.
For now, I must hide . . .
There is lots to be done.